

Hello, thank you for registering "MAO SU GOU FORWARDING" parcel forwarding system. Please read our regulations before the registration.

1. If more than 70% of the structure of the delivery of goods are fragile material, we can help you properly packaged, but cannot guarantee not broken, such as broken goods received, will not contain the required policies.

2. Guests should truthfully declare ownership of the goods, do not assume that yours. Customs documents required consistent, so truthfully declare your goods , it will be your key to successfully reach your family .

3. When the domestic delivery order is signed, it reflected all the problems that you have, will no longer be accepted, such as: shortage of goods, packaging breakage. It is recommended to perform parcel inspection before signing.

4.如果开箱验视,发现货物短少,可以当场叫邮件员给您写份证明,或者您写,邮件员签字。我们强烈建议您收下此问题货物,然后请您人工电话方式联络我们的国内客服人员。相信我们一定会给您处理妥当。(Don’t know what it says)
4. If there is any problem of good, you can give a call, write a proof letter and give the staff to sign. After suggest you receive this parcel, then immediately to contact us to process the problem.

5. If the package is lost, but did not buy insurance, we can accordingly to the maximum limit: 50USD / ticket compensation. The maximum amount of compensation depends on the actual situation

6. To comply with state term and condition.

6a.腐蚀性、放射性、易燃易爆等民航禁运物品或仿牌、药品、珍稀动植物等海关禁止或限制寄运的物品,以及法律法规禁止寄运的一切物品,否则一经查实,除货物销毁运费不退外,还需要罚款RMB 500元/票,若被机场安检、海关等政府机构查扣的,造成的罚款和一切经济损失,以及法律责任均由交寄件人承担.
6a. Corrosive , radioactive , explosive and other civil aviation embargo or fake brand goods , pharmaceuticals, rare animals and plants and other prohibited or restricted goods Customs send transport , as well as laws and regulations prohibit send all the items shipped , otherwise once verified, in addition to the destruction of goods shipping is not refundable , you will be fine RMB500 yuan/ penalty , if they are airport security , customs and other government agencies seized , fines and all economic losses , as well as legal responsibility borne by the sender to pay .

7. Item cannot be false content, must be in detailed written.

7a.但对于带很小电池的配套产品、小电机产品、极微弱磁性产品以及膏状化妆品等敏感类货物,在不涉及航空安全的前提下可以接受,需要另加收RMB2.0/KG(最低Rm20),但交寄件人必须如实告之,否则一经查实,除货物销毁运费不退外,还需要罚款RMB 500元/票,若被机场安检、海关等政府机构查扣的,造成的罚款和一切经济损失,以及法律责任均由交寄件人承担.
7a. Battery related products, small household electrical appliances , weak magnetic products , cream cosmetics and other sensitive commodities , without involving air traffic safety is acceptable , subject to RMB20/KG (minimum RM20), but the sender must truthfully advertised, otherwise once verified, in addition to the delivery of goods subsided destruction , but also a fine of RMB500 yuan/penalty, if they are airport security , customs and other government agencies closed down , resulting in fines and all economic losses , as well as by the mail piece person liable to pay .
